
City wall with restaurant

Visiting Malta to get inspiration for my faction novel, this was the first photo I took of the capital, Valletta. Work was underway on the impossibly thick wall surrounding the new capital, which the Maltese started to build immediately after the Ottoman invasion of the island was repelled in 1565.So a restaurant was built IN… Continue reading Inspiration

Elephants in Courtrooms-I (video)

ECHR: office Strasbourg France
Take Care !

Warnings based on developments in the Netherlands.To what extend justice systems can be abused you can derive from these developments. This video is intended to draw your attention to a longer text translated from Dutch. This one. More about this ‘Raad van State’ (≈ Council of State) in this video entitled Dutch viceroy Donner speeches… Continue reading Elephants in Courtrooms-I (video)


Rare tribute, World War I.
Photo by Mark Raen

Millions of horses and mules died in Wordl War I.Steven Spielberg made a movie about the fate of the animals.You can find information about the real story behind this here. To make this photo must have taken lots and lots of preparation. Literally hundreds of men participated in the project. Look through your eyelashes at… Continue reading Warhorses

Aristocratic cowardice, betrayal and opportunism

Photo by author. 2013.

Since I took the photo above and below almost 10 years ago as part of my preparations at Malta for writing my faction novel (in Dutch under pseudonym), I’ve learned a lot more about the topics mentioned in the title.At that time I had not yet heard of the horrible organized betrayal and global lust… Continue reading Aristocratic cowardice, betrayal and opportunism

Almost two centuries later the Founding Fathers still knew

Replica of the Mayflower Photo by Paul Keleher, via wikimedia. The Pilgrim Fathers fled to the Netherlands in 1609 and left from there in 1620 when the English government asked the Dutch to persecute them there!

In a sense this video is a sequel to my ‘long text’ from October 30 about the very influential Dutch judicial activist Donner. I will make a -shorter- sequel soon about the Dutch monarchy and its cooperation with the World Economic Forum.

Conquering ‘Africa’ early 16th century?

Painting by Gaspar de Crayer

One of Winston Churchill’s most inspiring quotes is ‘Study history, study history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft ‘ [1]. Paintings can aid in the study of history too. At least if you do not just superficially look at the image! De Crayer was a court painter to the governors of what is… Continue reading Conquering ‘Africa’ early 16th century?