
Anti Comstock cartoon

In preparation for writing my book ’49:49′ I did not only study abrahamic religions but also took a look at other religions. Partly thanks to that flash exploration of more religions I also discovered to what extent there was more to be found within Christianity about sex related topics than in the interpretation of the… Continue reading Comstockery

Sex slaves according to who?

I produce short videos based on the contents of the book ’49:49′.Available in the shop in printed form and as e-book. This fourt video in this series is based on the section Slave women of Mohammed & slave women of his followers p 92-95 in the book. This short videos are published on social media too,… Continue reading Sex slaves according to who?

Zelf-pardonering, kent u die uitdrukking?

De misdadige fotocollage

Of: “Hooghartig, hooghartiger, Frits van Exter” Op 30 juli 2011 verscheen in het blaadje Vrij Nederland het meest weerzinwekkende Nederlandstalige artikel dat ik ooit gelezen heb in mijn best al lange leven. Het was geschreven door de VN-redacteuren Harm Botje en Freke Vuijst. Het orgaan waar ze in schreven was toen nog niet zieltogend. Zie… Continue reading Zelf-pardonering, kent u die uitdrukking?

Gaslighting in overdrive: too early

New Wilders concession: military aid to Ukraine no longer taboo

Freedom-loving conservatives around the world are reminded daily that there are many reasons for great concern. At this moment the two topics at the top of my time line are from a very famous woman and a very famous man: JK Rowling and Gad Saad. JKRowling comments on Sarah Owen being elected as chair… Continue reading Gaslighting in overdrive: too early

23 november

Front page

Zaterdag 23 november is de presentatie van mijn nieuwe boek ‘49:49, The Emperor’s rags’ en van schilderijen van mijn hand. Met name een portret van de vrouw aan wie ik het boek opdraag: Dorothy Milne Murdock (1960-2015). Uit de beide conceptteksten hieronder kunt u opmaken wat de insteek is van dit boek. Intekenen op aanschaf… Continue reading 23 november