A military cemetery in Spremberg: Sonst Nichts…

Mourning Mother On the 'Sowjetischer Soldaten Friedhof'

Bismarck laid the foundation for the Third Reich Like all videos at ODP this one is meant as a warning against dismissing history. I sincerely hope that simply showing some images of this cemetery helps a little bit in resisting hysteria, hoaxing and war-mongering. In these times it is good to think a little bit… Continue reading A military cemetery in Spremberg: Sonst Nichts…

Meanwhile in The Hague, Brussels and New York

About a sickening coincidence of two meetings.I should not exaggerate: actually I did not throw up, I did not even vomit in my mouth.Two days ago Mr. Zelensky, an extremely wealthy clown -literally, it was his previous job- addressed the Dutch parliament. The next day he did another non-exchange with the Belgian parliament. It coincided… Continue reading Meanwhile in The Hague, Brussels and New York

Women’s sport, liposuction and perverse priorities

Obama 2016

This long article is about transgenderism. Not to be confused with hermaphroditism, intersexuality or (gender) dysphoria. And it is about what is in the title. I explain difficult words separately, except for the word I made up myself, transgenderism: that agenda. That’s what the whole article is about. Handicapped or challenged? Contrary to what the title,… Continue reading Women’s sport, liposuction and perverse priorities