The first episode [1] of Elephants in Courtrooms was about Pastafarism and the Dutch Council of State. This episode is kind of a sequel. The judges who came up with the verdict criticised in episode I referred extensively to the ‘European’ ECHR. That organisation is the subject of this episode. For substantiation, the Dutch judges… Continue reading Elephants in courtrooms – II
Category: JudAct
Judicial Activism
Elephants in Courtrooms-I (video)
Warnings based on developments in the Netherlands.To what extend justice systems can be abused you can derive from these developments. This video is intended to draw your attention to a longer text translated from Dutch. This one. More about this ‘Raad van State’ (≈ Council of State) in this video entitled Dutch viceroy Donner speeches… Continue reading Elephants in Courtrooms-I (video)
Elephants in courtrooms-I – the Dutch ‘Council of State’ on religion
On 15 August 2018, the Council of State, administrative jurisdiction division, issued a remarkable ruling [1] in a case by a member of the Pastafarism church against the Mayor and Aldermen of Nijmegen. In this article, I will address this ruling in depth, but as briefly as possible. In a subsequent article, I will devote… Continue reading Elephants in courtrooms-I – the Dutch ‘Council of State’ on religion
Almost two centuries later the Founding Fathers still knew
In a sense this video is a sequel to my ‘long text’ from October 30 about the very influential Dutch judicial activist Donner. I will make a -shorter- sequel soon about the Dutch monarchy and its cooperation with the World Economic Forum.
Dutch viceroy Donner speeches – senility or scribism?
A new translation of an older and longer Dutch text. The reason for this article was the annual report 2016 [Dutch original text is from 2017] of the ‘Council of State’ and more specifically the ‘reflection’ in it by that time ‘vice-chair’ Donner [1] of that important judicial organisation in the Netherlands. He gave his… Continue reading Dutch viceroy Donner speeches – senility or scribism?
Lies, damned lies, statistics and criminology
Differences in sentencing in similar cases? This Long TEXT was the second non-peer review of the (now defunct) Dutch website ‘Emperors & Clothes’ (Keizers & Kleren). I discussed the article Differences in sentencing in similar cases that appeared in episode 2012-11 of the Dutch Legal Journal (‘Nederlands Juristenblad’ (NJB)). In publishing this English translation, I… Continue reading Lies, damned lies, statistics and criminology