Elephants in courtrooms – II

ECHR: office Strasbourg France

The first episode [1] of Elephants in Courtrooms was about Pastafarism and the Dutch Council of State. This episode is kind of a sequel. The judges who came up with the verdict criticised in episode I referred extensively to the ‘European’ ECHR. That organisation is the subject of this episode. For substantiation, the Dutch judges… Continue reading Elephants in courtrooms – II

What IS Climate Science; What is Climate?

Worldmap & etymology
What is (a) climate?

In search of real, serious climate science, I came across this link to a complete climate-change faculty in Durham, NC with a chair in Environmental Science & Policy Division … This faculty is part of an American university that a few years ago had this enlightening mission: …provides a unique opportunity for aspiring environmental leaders… Continue reading What IS Climate Science; What is Climate?

Schwab: “Water, gender and so on”

About Schwab, Rutte, the farmer’s son Jouke and much more

A couple of weeks ago the Old Dutch Painter started a new ‘category’: Meanwhile In The Netherlands (see link in the footer). It was not set up to report about current affairs, but here we are: Dutch farmers’ protests are now in the news worldwide. So I connect some dots for you. Quite a number… Continue reading Schwab: “Water, gender and so on”

Real science and climate science

Longer texts

The possibilities and limitations of science have occupied me for a very long time. 44 years ago I wrote a paper for the course ‘science theory’, for which I received high grades. The main reason for this was undoubtedly that I had partly based it on the book Personal Knowledge by the genius, but not… Continue reading Real science and climate science

Imagine all politicians.And world peace.

Imagine all politicians over all the wo-o-rld.

Sing alongwith Lennon, John: Imagine all politicians over all the wo-o-rld.Countries working together and listening to us, scienctists.And World Peace, of course. (Link to my all time favorite movie clip. With Sandra Bullock.) Links:The long Japanese videoYes, Yuval Noah Harari is a member of the World Economic Forum.The Times of Israel articleNote on the absulutely… Continue reading Imagine all politicians.And world peace.