The first episode [1] of Elephants in Courtrooms was about Pastafarism and the Dutch Council of State. This episode is kind of a sequel. The judges who came up with the verdict criticised in episode I referred extensively to the ‘European’ ECHR. That organisation is the subject of this episode. For substantiation, the Dutch judges… Continue reading Elephants in courtrooms – II
Category: World Government
What IS Climate Science; What is Climate?
In search of real, serious climate science, I came across this link to a complete climate-change faculty in Durham, NC with a chair in Environmental Science & Policy Division … This faculty is part of an American university that a few years ago had this enlightening mission: …provides a unique opportunity for aspiring environmental leaders… Continue reading What IS Climate Science; What is Climate?
Schwab: “Water, gender and so on”
A couple of weeks ago the Old Dutch Painter started a new ‘category’: Meanwhile In The Netherlands (see link in the footer). It was not set up to report about current affairs, but here we are: Dutch farmers’ protests are now in the news worldwide. So I connect some dots for you. Quite a number… Continue reading Schwab: “Water, gender and so on”
How science got canceled: “Don’t you hurt my peer”
Real science and climate science
The possibilities and limitations of science have occupied me for a very long time. 44 years ago I wrote a paper for the course ‘science theory’, for which I received high grades. The main reason for this was undoubtedly that I had partly based it on the book Personal Knowledge by the genius, but not… Continue reading Real science and climate science
Imagine all politicians.And world peace.
Sing alongwith Lennon, John: Imagine all politicians over all the wo-o-rld.Countries working together and listening to us, scienctists.And World Peace, of course. (Link to my all time favorite movie clip. With Sandra Bullock.) Links:The long Japanese videoYes, Yuval Noah Harari is a member of the World Economic Forum.The Times of Israel articleNote on the absulutely… Continue reading Imagine all politicians.And world peace.