A couple of weeks ago the Old Dutch Painter started a new ‘category’: Meanwhile In The Netherlands (see link in the footer). It was not set up to report about current affairs, but here we are: Dutch farmers’ protests are now in the news worldwide. So I connect some dots for you. Quite a number… Continue reading Schwab: “Water, gender and so on”
Category: WEF/Wuhan
World Economic Forum and the p(l)andemic
Uncle Tom: his backbone of steel
A different review.A conservative atheist praises “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and glorifies that devout christian lady Harriet Beecher-Stowe. Link to the written review Link to Dutch original of the review
Breaking careers -2
Accompanying video of long TEXT: Lies, damned lies, statistics and criminology. Direct Link to that long text.
Lies, damned lies, statistics and criminology
Differences in sentencing in similar cases? This Long TEXT was the second non-peer review of the (now defunct) Dutch website ‘Emperors & Clothes’ (Keizers & Kleren). I discussed the article Differences in sentencing in similar cases that appeared in episode 2012-11 of the Dutch Legal Journal (‘Nederlands Juristenblad’ (NJB)). In publishing this English translation, I… Continue reading Lies, damned lies, statistics and criminology
Validating victimhood & propagating prostitutes with penises
Video + TEXT on transgenderism