2000 Mules. Or: every senile politician could have made this mistake

2000 mules: the tip of the iceberg.

The title of this post refers to the opening scene of the movie 2000 Mules.It shows former vice president Biden who spoke -before the 2020 elections- about very special accomplishments of his party: Joe Biden says he’s built most extensive “voter fraud” org in history. Link to video below. Nobody claims that the video was… Continue reading 2000 Mules. Or: every senile politician could have made this mistake

Imagine all politicians.And world peace.

Imagine all politicians over all the wo-o-rld.

Sing alongwith Lennon, John: Imagine all politicians over all the wo-o-rld.Countries working together and listening to us, scienctists.And World Peace, of course. (Link to my all time favorite movie clip. With Sandra Bullock.) Links:The long Japanese videoYes, Yuval Noah Harari is a member of the World Economic Forum.The Times of Israel articleNote on the absulutely… Continue reading Imagine all politicians.And world peace.

Meanwhile in The Hague, Brussels and New York

About a sickening coincidence of two meetings.I should not exaggerate: actually I did not throw up, I did not even vomit in my mouth.Two days ago Mr. Zelensky, an extremely wealthy clown -literally, it was his previous job- addressed the Dutch parliament. The next day he did another non-exchange with the Belgian parliament. It coincided… Continue reading Meanwhile in The Hague, Brussels and New York

Trials, tribunals, Islamic State and the Wuhan-virus

In the Netherlands, since the beginning of 2021, the presidency of the parliament is in the hands of the political party ‘D66’. In March this party grew and now has one sixth of the seats in parliament. It is also the party that most explicitly supports the transfer of national sovereignty to the European Union.… Continue reading Trials, tribunals, Islamic State and the Wuhan-virus