Saint Paul and his non-violent sword

Side door of the Basilica of Saint Paul in Rome

In May 2018 my brother and I visited Rome. One of the reasons was to collect photos and inspiring information that I could use for a possible sequel to my (Dutch) faction novel “Alexandra’s Journey“. And, believe it or not, we discovered this basilica by accident! We didn’t even know of its existence. When you… Continue reading Saint Paul and his non-violent sword

Rembrandt & wokeness

Rembrandt's wink

My paraphrase of Rembrandt’s ‘Self-portrait as Paul’. I titled it ‘Rembrandt’s wink‘.In the original, Rembrandt only has a sword under his cloak; I’ve added another sword. I also moved his studio to the front of his house, so that he has/had a different view. The 21st century can be discerned vaguely across the street. When… Continue reading Rembrandt & wokeness

Conquering ‘Africa’ early 16th century?

Painting by Gaspar de Crayer

One of Winston Churchill’s most inspiring quotes is ‘Study history, study history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft ‘ [1]. Paintings can aid in the study of history too. At least if you do not just superficially look at the image! De Crayer was a court painter to the governors of what is… Continue reading Conquering ‘Africa’ early 16th century?

Dutch viceroy Donner speeches – senility or scribism?

Jan Hein Donner in 2012 receives a first copy of a book on Christian dogmatics.

A new translation of an older and longer Dutch text. The reason for this article was the annual report 2016 [Dutch original text is from 2017] of the ‘Council of State’ and more specifically the ‘reflection’ in it by that time ‘vice-chair’ Donner [1] of that important judicial organisation in the Netherlands. He gave his… Continue reading Dutch viceroy Donner speeches – senility or scribism?

Stupid, partisan fact checkers can be right

MP mentions nickname of university visited by vp Kaag: all ministers leave the session of the House of Representatives where they would be accountable for their policy plans.
Some fake news, no: creepy history, from Barack Houssein Obama

About racism, not 100% nonsensical political statements and counter productive slander. Links: The clip and its source on YouTube: The original fact check P.S.: The ‘featured’ image accompanying this video is a still from a video by the Dutch governments broadcaster ‘NOS’. Many photos were made of the incident in parliament, but remarkably Google could… Continue reading Stupid, partisan fact checkers can be right