When considering running for a seat in the Provincial Council I started reading the complete IPCC report, however, I got stuck on page XI. The Synthesis Report 2014 turned out to be officially dedicated to Mr. Stephen Schneider, who -for that reason- can be called climate prophet. I use that term climate prophet for the… Continue reading The suffering of the climate prophet
Old Dutch Painter’s Blog
Schwab: “Water, gender and so on”
A couple of weeks ago the Old Dutch Painter started a new ‘category’: Meanwhile In The Netherlands (see link in the footer). It was not set up to report about current affairs, but here we are: Dutch farmers’ protests are now in the news worldwide. So I connect some dots for you. Quite a number… Continue reading Schwab: “Water, gender and so on”
Great. My brother, still recovering from a major life-saving surgery, made these new heptagonal supports for paintings; Portraits. Next step by me: linen and bone glue.For two of them I already know who is going to be depicted. If you don’t know it it is impossible to distinguish, but through the window you can see… Continue reading Heptagonals
FGM and shaking off prudery
Direct link to the long TEXT. How many readers does this translated text deserve?
Looking at a beheading or a totally mutilated vagina
There are pieces on both topics from the title of this text in my book Islamophobiaⁱ, which do not differ much in size, but about female genital mutilation (FGM) I actually wrote calmer than about the beheadings. After I had seen a video clip of the truly Furious Ann Barnhardt (with three capital letters), famous… Continue reading Looking at a beheading or a totally mutilated vagina
Definitely not art, but this special picture almost made me buy such a huge flower pot. A famous French woman once said that nostalgia is remembering what you never really experienced. For me it certainly was here: reminded me of the Mediterranean and hundreds to thousands of years ago.Just found out that some left wing… Continue reading Atmosphere