The somewhat pathetic VP Wallace

Henry Wallace, US VP 1941-1945

Three years ago, before my first oilpainting, I made two or three gouaches. Only this one I completed. Just recently I read a little more about him. A really strange guy, indeed. In 1944 the Democrat establishment dumped him as VP from the ticket with Roosevelt and Truman became VP. Wallace in 1948 tried to… Continue reading The somewhat pathetic VP Wallace

Distant Thunder

A delay that turned into a positive thing

Distant Thunder is a one of the descriptions Merriam Webster provides for the word Rumble. Who would not prefer it over talk in a chattering fashion? Important links: About the growth of Rumble Mr. Devin Nunes is at the head of Truth Social

No civilization without Ladies & Gentlemen

UPDATE April 2023: I slightly expanded the text, did not change the video. A video to support the Distinghuised Gentleman’s Ride.Of course the video is not very short: it includes remarks about history. More specifically: about that ‘precursor’ of WWII, the civil war in Spain and the role of George Orwell therein. And I link… Continue reading No civilization without Ladies & Gentlemen

Varnishing a Triptych

Oilpainting Pier Scheveningen

I paint not only to produce something beautiful, but also to get in a better mood. Funny: exactly at the half of the video the camera automatically changes the focus and so emphasises the effect of the varnishing.P.S.: I drastically modified the wall on which the triptych is hung to give it a sort of… Continue reading Varnishing a Triptych

A military cemetery in Spremberg: Sonst Nichts…

Mourning Mother On the 'Sowjetischer Soldaten Friedhof'

Bismarck laid the foundation for the Third Reich Like all videos at ODP this one is meant as a warning against dismissing history. I sincerely hope that simply showing some images of this cemetery helps a little bit in resisting hysteria, hoaxing and war-mongering. In these times it is good to think a little bit… Continue reading A military cemetery in Spremberg: Sonst Nichts…