Study History!

Five fold portrait of Winston Churchill by old dutch painter Frans Groenendijk

This video is only partly inspired by the publication of my book ’49:49′Available in the shop, but refers mostly to my older (E-)book IS, the Kurds and the Caliphate; Turkey: from sick occupant to paranoid neighbor. (Videos are published on social media like TikTok, YouTube. See LINKTREE in the footer). The text is mostly based on… Continue reading Study History!

My god’s words

Arab or Mohammedan spring?

And sorry for your loss The article I am highlighting here was written by the not very famous professor Reitsma and it appeared in a newspaper with a not very high circulation. My review is rather harsh. Ruthless actually. Above his article, which did not start out very stupidly, was the headline: “Arab Spring: test… Continue reading My god’s words

MKG, World Champion in Modesty

Copy from page 465 in the Autobiography of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

Besides the re-election of Donald Trump the most positive news of 2024 came from India on one of the last days of the year: under the great Narendra Modi finally the Indian ban on Rushdie’s ‘Satanic Verses‘ was lifted.Not only was this an important victory over Mohammedan attempts to silence any form of criticism towards… Continue reading MKG, World Champion in Modesty

Gandhi about a border crisis

Cover Autobiography Mohamdas Karamchand Gandhi.

With great attention and with ever-increasing amazement I am still reading the autobiography of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Here I announced that my next comprehensive book review on this website will be about that remarkable book and person. The man was born a few years before Winston Churchill. In many places, however, it seems as if… Continue reading Gandhi about a border crisis

Gandhi and the non-violently punching of Adulterer Trump

1942: Auchinek greets 10th Indian Division

Marxistoids, nihilists and other liars accuse Donald Trump of racism with great regularity. Most of them know only admiration for Mr. Mohandas Karamchand, better known as Gandhi. I don’t blame you if you think his first name was Mahatma. But so it is not: that is an honorary title 1). In his autobiography, Mohandas wrote… Continue reading Gandhi and the non-violently punching of Adulterer Trump