The seed of misogyny

Inescapably the next episode is about Jephthah, or better: about his daughter. P.S.: I deliberately did not check an American or other version to improve the subtitles. P.P.S.: You can see what my brother looked like before that injury in the video about the painting with Johan de Witt and HIS brother.

Book on so called monotheisms

Idea for cover ..

The sixth button in the menu is clearly not a painting. It is just a coloured text: a concept for the front page of a yet to be published book. Title of that book is 49:49; Crucial element of the book is the explanation of the title. So, in itself an absolutely meaningless title, hence… Continue reading Book on so called monotheisms

Women’s sport, liposuction and perverse priorities

Obama 2016

This long article is about transgenderism. Not to be confused with hermaphroditism, intersexuality or (gender) dysphoria. And it is about what is in the title. I explain difficult words separately, except for the word I made up myself, transgenderism: that agenda. That’s what the whole article is about. Handicapped or challenged? Contrary to what the title,… Continue reading Women’s sport, liposuction and perverse priorities