Rejoicing at Revelation horror

The big church in Schiedam, Netherlands was named after its location (Frankelandsekerk) and after a local saint Liduina.

Hardly any bible reading this time although that tag does fit this video. My father died a year before this church was demolished. A few years ago there was some kind of a contest in the Netherlands wherein this church was named as one of the most beautiful demolished buildings. My family regularly visited its… Continue reading Rejoicing at Revelation horror

Expressionism? I do want to cry out..

Hyperlapse & comments

Colourizing old movies: I saw great examples of it before and today I discovered that a fellow Dutchman called Rick is doing a really great job in this field. Here an example of his work: The Attack on Pearl Harbour.This blogpost is about something completely different, yet in a way comparable. I chose this example-link… Continue reading Expressionism? I do want to cry out..

A military cemetery in Spremberg: Sonst Nichts…

Mourning Mother On the 'Sowjetischer Soldaten Friedhof'

Bismarck laid the foundation for the Third Reich Like all videos at ODP this one is meant as a warning against dismissing history. I sincerely hope that simply showing some images of this cemetery helps a little bit in resisting hysteria, hoaxing and war-mongering. In these times it is good to think a little bit… Continue reading A military cemetery in Spremberg: Sonst Nichts…