Ongewenste polarisatie? Het onderwerp transgenderisme leent zich voor ongewenste polarisatie.Het leent zich echter ook voor het scheppen van alleszins wenselijke duidelijkheid. Het hanteren van het bijzondere scheldwoord “TERF” (Google of DuckDuck aub zelf wat met dat als zoekterm) is een voorbeeld van ongewenste polarisatie. Een iets sterker voorbeeld is het gebruik van de term ‘transfobie’… Continue reading Utrecht, 9 september: een onvermijdelijke confrontatie?
Category: AAA
Botanic behaviour – II
In January this year I made a video about Botanic behaviour and at the beginning of March I wrote an update. When I had already planned to write a new update, I met someone who graduated from Wageningen University quite some time ago. We met because of the most important political topic of today (trans-genderism)… Continue reading Botanic behaviour – II
Boomers and communist- versus history- bubbles
Boomer is a strange word. According to the Oxford dictionary (for example) it has two different meanings. Very different meanings. Especially the so-called ‘disambiguation’ page of ‘Boomer’ in Wikipedia is an illustration of why that medium has such a bad name. As so often, the Dutch version compares badly with the English version: Babyboom (demografie),… Continue reading Boomers and communist- versus history- bubbles
Modi meets islamophilia in the White House
This blog post is mainly about the joint press conference Joe Biden and Narendra Modi recently gave at the White House, June 23, 2023. The contrast between the decaying American and the phenomenal statesman from the largest democracy in the world was so great that I felt as if I was watching a surrealist play.… Continue reading Modi meets islamophilia in the White House
Non self-reading & tangible mail
In a video by a sympathetic duo of Dutch bloggers (Bakkie met Bergsma en Bennink) I came across the call to make more use of old-fashioned, tangible mail instead of e-mail, Whatsapp, Twitter and the like. A very good idea for several reasons! One reason they haven’t mentioned yet though, and I’ll go into that… Continue reading Non self-reading & tangible mail
SARS_CoV_2 & ‘der neue Untermensch’
Only a small fraction of scientists and medical practitioners worldwide in recent years resisted the unfolding circus of lies surrounding SARS_CoV_2 the lab leak and the actually extremely experimental mRNA vaccins. In many countries, these heroes showed their backbones of steel despite almost unlimited hate campaigns against them by spineless colleagues, extremely stupid or -more… Continue reading SARS_CoV_2 & ‘der neue Untermensch’