The Focal Points and Priorities of the Islam-activists

E-book. Order it at Amazon.

On November 2, 2004, Theo van Gogh -you can find his picture on the homepage of this site- was murdered.  Because of that, five years later, I  completed my first book: ‘Islamofobie? Een nuchter antwoord’. Yes that is Dutch. (Hier kan het nog steeds besteld worden). ‘Islamophobia? A down to earth answer‘ seems to me… Continue reading The Focal Points and Priorities of the Islam-activists

Water, Gender and so on, the Sequel

Zelensky taking a selfie with Mark Rutte and a F-16 ..

About the amazing and very different ways the Dutch opposition leader Thierry Baudet was recently attacked by a Ukrainian terrorist and the Dutch media. How he survived both attacks might possibly turn against long term pm Mark Rutte. General elections are November 22, 2023. Link to one and a half minute video with Klaus Schwab… Continue reading Water, Gender and so on, the Sequel

Phosphorus Fertilizer and ‘Prepping’

I have quite a few houseplants in my living room. On my tiny balcony, in addition to ornamental plants, I have plants for consumption too. I purchased the spathiphyllum specimen shown here over ten years ago and it did produce some flowers every year. Inspired by my ‘microscopic‘ horticultural activities and observations, a few weeks… Continue reading Phosphorus Fertilizer and ‘Prepping’

Impression of a surreal reality

IJsseloog in Ketelmeer

No Old Dutch Painter from the 17th century –or any other century before the twentieth– could have created a painting like this! For a host of reasons. Nothing even remotely resembling what can be seen here under that cloud cover existed yet. Those colossal high-voltage pylons, which are dwarfed by the overwhelming number of even… Continue reading Impression of a surreal reality

Modest science versus criminally arrogant tinkering

Fortunately, there are many, and more and more, people worldwide who are extremely critical of Bill Gates. A crucial aspect is almost always left out of consideration, however. Very often critical comments and reflections are exclusively about the man’s wrong intentions. What is missing is an emphasis on his skills and limitations. There can be… Continue reading Modest science versus criminally arrogant tinkering

Leninism was never eradicated

The only video (so far) that I did not record in the Netherlands, I made in Germany near the border with Poland. It was about Bismarck, Russian soldiers and Soviet rule. Title: A military cemetery in Spremberg: “Sonst Nichts“. ‘Sonst Nichts’ was part of a slogan often used by the terrible Bismarck, who laid the… Continue reading Leninism was never eradicated