No civilization without Ladies & Gentlemen

UPDATE April 2023: I slightly expanded the text, did not change the video. A video to support the Distinghuised Gentleman’s Ride.Of course the video is not very short: it includes remarks about history. More specifically: about that ‘precursor’ of WWII, the civil war in Spain and the role of George Orwell therein. And I link… Continue reading No civilization without Ladies & Gentlemen

A military cemetery in Spremberg: Sonst Nichts…

Mourning Mother On the 'Sowjetischer Soldaten Friedhof'

Bismarck laid the foundation for the Third Reich Like all videos at ODP this one is meant as a warning against dismissing history. I sincerely hope that simply showing some images of this cemetery helps a little bit in resisting hysteria, hoaxing and war-mongering. In these times it is good to think a little bit… Continue reading A military cemetery in Spremberg: Sonst Nichts…

Meanwhile in The Hague, Brussels and New York

About a sickening coincidence of two meetings.I should not exaggerate: actually I did not throw up, I did not even vomit in my mouth.Two days ago Mr. Zelensky, an extremely wealthy clown -literally, it was his previous job- addressed the Dutch parliament. The next day he did another non-exchange with the Belgian parliament. It coincided… Continue reading Meanwhile in The Hague, Brussels and New York

How to elicit disgust

About the famous pavement of the road to hell

A short video about transgenderism. A subject that seems to at last getting the attention it most certainly deserves. Partially thanks to Tulsi Gabbard, partially thanks to the new Twitter policy: canceling the very best female atlethes from their platform for openly not supporting that misogynist agenda. You can find more videos and texts on… Continue reading How to elicit disgust

Trials, tribunals, Islamic State and the Wuhan-virus

In the Netherlands, since the beginning of 2021, the presidency of the parliament is in the hands of the political party ‘D66’. In March this party grew and now has one sixth of the seats in parliament. It is also the party that most explicitly supports the transfer of national sovereignty to the European Union.… Continue reading Trials, tribunals, Islamic State and the Wuhan-virus