Conquering ‘Africa’ early 16th century?

Painting by Gaspar de Crayer

One of Winston Churchill’s most inspiring quotes is ‘Study history, study history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft ‘ [1]. Paintings can aid in the study of history too. At least if you do not just superficially look at the image! De Crayer was a court painter to the governors of what is… Continue reading Conquering ‘Africa’ early 16th century?

Malta, mohammedans and Jesuits

Idea for cover ..

Nowadays, when one refers, via text or photos, to this church, whose interior is extraordinarily richly decorated, attention is rarely, if ever, paid to this remarkable decoration on the outside.There is no misunderstanding about what is depicted here: a Catholic dignitary steps on a moor: a man with a bare upper body, but with a… Continue reading Malta, mohammedans and Jesuits

Looking at a beheading or a totally mutilated vagina

Hanny Lightfoot-Klein: the most beautiful woman in the world?

There are pieces on both topics from the title of this text in my book Islamophobiaⁱ, which do not differ much in size, but about female genital mutilation (FGM) I actually wrote calmer than about the  beheadings. After I had seen a video clip of the truly Furious Ann Barnhardt (with three capital  letters), famous… Continue reading Looking at a beheading or a totally mutilated vagina

How many trees?

With a little help from Google ...
From my own tiny garden of Eden …

Man Made God Reading (just) 8 sentences from Genesis. I read them in Dutch but subtitle them in English. “Then God, the Lord, thought … if he ate those, he would live eternally! ..“ No mistake: “It is your absolutely inalienable right to believe in as many gods, godesses, devils or angels you want“ About… Continue reading How many trees?