The reason for this article is twofold: a remarkable article on a strange Dutch website and an atypical reaction under an earlier article of mine about ‘climate denier’ as badge of honor. I’ll start with the more important of the two: an article written by one Kim de Roder. Actually, not Roder’s discussion contribution itself,… Continue reading J. Cook on repeat: ‘consensus’ and the scientists
Old Dutch Painter’s Blog
I posted this before on Instagram. I do not use it anymore (search the first use of the name Tulsi Gabbard on this site, for the reason). If I take a look now, Instagram has a suggestion: “See what people are sharing to empower women and advocate for gender equality” … In the photo I… Continue reading Oops…
‘Climate denier’ as a badge of honor
This , for me, short article builds on a longer TEXT I wrote nine months before: What is climate science? At the time I put quite a few hours of study into preparing that text. However, I had not yet formulated the title of this piece as a conclusion. Among other things, I went through… Continue reading ‘Climate denier’ as a badge of honor
My atelier, now
One painting at 3% of completion, the others at 6%, 66%, 99% and 100. I like that both the images themselves and the paintings are somehow ‘spotlighted’.
What IS Climate Science; What is Climate?
In search of real, serious climate science, I came across this link to a complete climate-change faculty in Durham, NC with a chair in Environmental Science & Policy Division … This faculty is part of an American university that a few years ago had this enlightening mission: …provides a unique opportunity for aspiring environmental leaders… Continue reading What IS Climate Science; What is Climate?
What IS climate science?
The most read Dutch article on my Academia account has a somewhat suggestive title. Here at the ODP site you find the English translation of it: Real Science and Climate Science. It did not explicitly address the question from the title of this article. Is climate science a real existing branch of (serious) scientific practice?… Continue reading What IS climate science?