Deliberately no English versions of the Old Testament were consulted for the literal quotes. I know, and probably you do too, that the differences are of minor importance.
Tag: Churchill
Expressionism? I do want to cry out..
Colourizing old movies: I saw great examples of it before and today I discovered that a fellow Dutchman called Rick is doing a really great job in this field. Here an example of his work: The Attack on Pearl Harbour.This blogpost is about something completely different, yet in a way comparable. I chose this example-link… Continue reading Expressionism? I do want to cry out..
May 10 in The Netherlands and in Great Britain
I used the (in)famous photo of Chamberlain as featured image. Somewhat amazingly I could find it at the BBC. (Link) This is a good source to start if you know little or nothing about why the name ‘Chamberlain’ to many is almost a synonym for ‘appeasement’.
The shoulder and the cancelling of Churchill
Link to the specific source at The International Churchill Society. I say Centre instead of society. Their twitter-handle is @ChurchillCentre ..
Different carriers for my next paintings
The tenth video here is the shortest one so far and ‘something completely different’.In the video itself I forgot to mention that I used boneglue to attach the linen to the masonite: it smells bad, but working with it really makes you feel like a painter from long ago.I plan to paint more portraits on… Continue reading Different carriers for my next paintings
About the nanny and the anatomy of Winston Churchill
Ninth video at and first of the videos in the category WDWD, What Did Winston Do that fits that menu-title.