A little good news about Jordan B Peterson and very bad news about the International Churchill Society, Zelensky and Climategate.And a little news about the painting. Initially I was considering to offer a painted tribute to Churchill, the greatest statesman ever, to Boris Johnson. In the USA. In May ’22 I was pleased to find… Continue reading What a shame: linking Zelensky to Churchill
Category: History
The long road to civilization.
Paintings from ’20, ’21 & ’22
I am looking forward to my first participation in a major live art exhibition.November 19 and 20 next. In Gorinchem, in the middle of the Netherlands.Close to 200 artists, mostly painters, show their work. My contribution mainly consists of the paintings shown here that I made in 2020, 2021 and 2022 (I started painting in… Continue reading Paintings from ’20, ’21 & ’22
Less politicians, more statesmen
Short video with some quotes from the marvelous biography of the greatest statesman ever: Winston Churchill, by William Manchester and Paul Reid.Concluding:Nowadays civilization is threatened in a very different way but in my opinion also in an even more worrying and sinister way than 80 years ago.Serious politicians should more frequently ask themselves: What Did… Continue reading Less politicians, more statesmen
Uncle Tom: his backbone of steel
A different review.A conservative atheist praises “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and glorifies that devout christian lady Harriet Beecher-Stowe. Link to the written review Link to Dutch original of the review
Then: Silly Sociology, now: Critical Race Theory and worse
.. To some extent I was alarmed rereading my own text in translation …. about a note in my 2012 text ..
No, not canonising WSC
This video is about quite a number of different subjects. One of those is the really very peculiar aspect of religious doctrines on “superstitions and false religions”. Links: Last week’s video.The article by George Mitchell.The article by the Sahara Reporters.The article by the British anti-Churchill, anti-Trump professor.