Study History!

Five fold portrait of Winston Churchill by old dutch painter Frans Groenendijk

This video is only partly inspired by the publication of my book ’49:49′Available in the shop, but refers mostly to my older (E-)book IS, the Kurds and the Caliphate; Turkey: from sick occupant to paranoid neighbor. (Videos are published on social media like TikTok, YouTube. See LINKTREE in the footer). The text is mostly based on… Continue reading Study History!

MKG, World Champion in Modesty

Copy from page 465 in the Autobiography of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

Besides the re-election of Donald Trump the most positive news of 2024 came from India on one of the last days of the year: under the great Narendra Modi finally the Indian ban on Rushdie’s ‘Satanic Verses‘ was lifted.Not only was this an important victory over Mohammedan attempts to silence any form of criticism towards… Continue reading MKG, World Champion in Modesty

For sale: 3 A5 paintings

Kirsty Swanson 2024 as Buffy the vampire slayer

Updated July 23, see below. The female in the featured image above is the actress Kristy Swanson, known by many for her role in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. To me because she is one of the few Hollywood movie stars supporting Trump … Judging from her Instagram account, she is an overall… Continue reading For sale: 3 A5 paintings

Phosphorus Fertilizer and ‘Prepping’

I have quite a few houseplants in my living room. On my tiny balcony, in addition to ornamental plants, I have plants for consumption too. I purchased the spathiphyllum specimen shown here over ten years ago and it did produce some flowers every year. Inspired by my ‘microscopic‘ horticultural activities and observations, a few weeks… Continue reading Phosphorus Fertilizer and ‘Prepping’

Het leninisme werd nooit vernietigd

De (tot nu toe) enige video die ik niet in Nederland opnam, maakte ik in Duitsland tegen de grens met Polen. Die ging over Bismarck, Russische soldaten en sovjet-heerschappij. Titel: A military cemetery in Spremberg: “Sonst Nichts”. ‘Sonst Nichts’ was onderdeel van een leus die vaak gebruikt werd door de verschrikkelijke Bismarck, die de fundering… Continue reading Het leninisme werd nooit vernietigd

Boomers and communist- versus history- bubbles

Boomer is a strange word. According to the Oxford dictionary (for example) it has two different meanings. Very different meanings. Especially the so-called ‘disambiguation’ page of ‘Boomer’ in Wikipedia is an illustration of why that medium has such a bad name. As so often, the Dutch version compares badly with the English version: Babyboom (demografie),… Continue reading Boomers and communist- versus history- bubbles