The very little known ‘Atatürk’

How coincidental do you want it?In October 1927, Kemal Mustapha gave a speech that lasted six days. Yes, Fidel Castro certainly fell short of that with his six or eight hour speeches. When I was preparing my book “IS, the Kurds and the Caliphate. Turkey: from sick occupant to paranoid neighbor” (E-book available via the… Continue reading The very little known ‘Atatürk’

First Exposition

Cute. I showed some paintings in a nicely positioned booth at this exposition called Nationale Kunstdagen (National Art days) in Gorcum, but I was bothered by people who walked too close around the corner and so too close to the paintings. The organization found the graceful improvised barrier I added sufficiently ‘creative’.

Stupid, partisan fact checkers can be right

MP mentions nickname of university visited by vp Kaag: all ministers leave the session of the House of Representatives where they would be accountable for their policy plans.
Some fake news, no: creepy history, from Barack Houssein Obama

About racism, not 100% nonsensical political statements and counter productive slander. Links: The clip and its source on YouTube: The original fact check P.S.: The ‘featured’ image accompanying this video is a still from a video by the Dutch governments broadcaster ‘NOS’. Many photos were made of the incident in parliament, but remarkably Google could… Continue reading Stupid, partisan fact checkers can be right


At first I wondered from which country this numberplate could be. Only three letters means: less than 17576, probably less than 8000 cars in all of the country. At home I saw the Porsche owner made his own modifications. Should we call it streetart?

And so it started …

Take note: 2 minutes further in the interview he repeats this statement!
Accompanying video of TEXT.

Update(d) March 2024. This video is about a promotional interview a ‘professional influencer’ called Leila Conners had with ‘climate-scientist’ Stephen Schneider. It contains this crucial time-line: 2006 L.Conner interviews SS  Source,TreeTV 2010 Stephen Schneider † Just one of those many, many post mortem eulogies 2014 IPPC canonises Schneider The report 2018 Dutch version of this… Continue reading And so it started …