Only those who viewed a considerable number of videos from this Old Dutch Painter could have seen it coming: a video with observations and experiments with this special house plant, Monstera Deliciosa, especially its aerial roots. And yes: its fruit is edible but you have to be careful!To be honest I never had the privilege… Continue reading Botanic behaviour: the Monstera Deliciosa
Old Dutch Painter’s Blog
Using the United Nations to fight homeschooling in your country
Under the leadership of minister Arie Slob, member of an explicitly christian party, the Dutch cabinet launched a frontal attack on homeschooling. A closer look at the lines along which this attack is taking place is also very instructive for other dossiers. The most concrete part of the bill, which provides for “additional regulations to… Continue reading Using the United Nations to fight homeschooling in your country
Primary sources in studying history
Link to my e-book Link to the Long Text: Link to the Observation (The very little known Atatürk) About the Sivas Massacre About Enver Pasha’s reburial in 1996 Erdogan praising Enver Pasha in 2020
Elephants in courtrooms–IV; The case Erbakan vs Turkey
For decades now, Islam is growing stronger in Turkey. ‘European’ judicial activism contributed to this. Necmettin Erbakan (1926–2011), founder of Millî Görüş [1], former prime minister and mentor to Erdowahn, was one of the main forces behind the re-Islamization of Turkey. In 2006 a group of judges from the European Court of Human Rights –… Continue reading Elephants in courtrooms–IV; The case Erbakan vs Turkey
Ultimate virtue signalling contest
If you oppose #misogyny and or #nihilism the #transgenderism-agenda is THE issue you need to focus on in 2023.I kept the hashtags in this sentence: it is the pinned tweet on my twitter-account (frgroenendijk). So many political and social developments today are so infuriating or saddening that we absolutely need humour to stay sane. Luckily,… Continue reading Ultimate virtue signalling contest
The Royal House and the Viceroys of the Netherlands
Link to the long text about the admirer of Emperor Constantine. Direct link to 2003 New York Times article.