Yesterday was Holocaust Remembrance Day. A day that reminds of one of the most horrible episodes of recent human history and to one of the most beautiful aspects of Jewish culture: commemorating every individual. The reason for making this video is twofold. Last Christmas, literally on Christmas Day, I wrote what I thought was a… Continue reading Holocaust Remembrance Day & the Concept of Chosenness
Old Dutch Painter’s Blog
Mona Lisa + Minerva = Monerva

In the catalog I made for the first exhibition of my oil paintings, I wrote that the first painting I made this century was a quick ‘Van Gogh self-portrait‘ (see below) in gouache. It wasn’t until after that exhibition that I realized that wasn’t quite right. I made the painting ‘Monerva‘ of which you see… Continue reading Mona Lisa + Minerva = Monerva
More post impressionism?

Soon I will have the honor to participate in a four-day painting workshop by Cornelis Le Mair. One of the best, if not the best traditional artisan painter in the Netherlands. He has been painting for more than half a century and demonstrates and teaches the technique of the old masters. Those other kind of… Continue reading More post impressionism?
Botanic behaviour: the Monstera Deliciosa
Only those who viewed a considerable number of videos from this Old Dutch Painter could have seen it coming: a video with observations and experiments with this special house plant, Monstera Deliciosa, especially its aerial roots. And yes: its fruit is edible but you have to be careful!To be honest I never had the privilege… Continue reading Botanic behaviour: the Monstera Deliciosa
Using the United Nations to fight homeschooling in your country
Under the leadership of minister Arie Slob, member of an explicitly christian party, the Dutch cabinet launched a frontal attack on homeschooling. A closer look at the lines along which this attack is taking place is also very instructive for other dossiers. The most concrete part of the bill, which provides for “additional regulations to… Continue reading Using the United Nations to fight homeschooling in your country
Primary sources in studying history
Link to my e-book Link to the Long Text: Link to the Observation (The very little known Atatürk) About the Sivas Massacre About Enver Pasha’s reburial in 1996 Erdogan praising Enver Pasha in 2020