Tribute to David Reimer

Tribute to David Reimer

And a call to express solidarity with JK Rowling April 1st, 2024 A couple of months ago I made a video (+podcast) about me in my paintings gradually focusing more on making portraits and more specifically tributes. In this video I zoom in on one such portrait: my tribute to David Reimer. My praise for… Continue reading Tribute to David Reimer

Mengele 2.0 and the Castro Consensus

Tribute to David Reimer

Remember David Reimer I will begin my review of Miriam Grossman’s phenomenal ‘Lost in Trans Nation‘ – like that book itself – by recalling the horrific fate of David Reimer. Reimer was the most ‘outspoken’ victim of the terrible John Money, referred to here as Mengele 2.0.. When he was a seven-month-old baby, David –… Continue reading Mengele 2.0 and the Castro Consensus

SARS_CoV_2 & ‘der neue Untermensch’

The Poison Cup and Der Neue Untermensch

Only a small fraction of scientists and medical practitioners worldwide in recent years resisted the unfolding circus of lies surrounding SARS_CoV_2 the lab leak and the actually extremely experimental mRNA vaccins.  In many countries, these heroes showed their backbones of steel despite almost unlimited hate campaigns against them by spineless colleagues, extremely stupid or -more… Continue reading SARS_CoV_2 & ‘der neue Untermensch’

Ultimate horror & some hope regarding the transgenderist project

Screenshot from Reality's Last Stand
The Dutch subtitles do contain 5 or 6 typos …

A video in English, with subtitles in Dutch: I hope my pronunciation and the quality of the sound have improved sufficiently now …It is a rather long video. But it is not just me talking: It includes Dutch-subtitled ‘video-quotes’ from Kari Lake (future Governor of Arizona), Steven Crowder, Reality’s Last Stand and Lauren Chen.This video… Continue reading Ultimate horror & some hope regarding the transgenderist project