Man Made God Reading (just) 8 sentences from Genesis. I read them in Dutch but subtitle them in English. “Then God, the Lord, thought … if he ate those, he would live eternally! ..“ No mistake: “It is your absolutely inalienable right to believe in as many gods, godesses, devils or angels you want“ About… Continue reading How many trees?
Tag: Misogyny
No, not canonising WSC
This video is about quite a number of different subjects. One of those is the really very peculiar aspect of religious doctrines on “superstitions and false religions”. Links: Last week’s video.The article by George Mitchell.The article by the Sahara Reporters.The article by the British anti-Churchill, anti-Trump professor.
Not your average Whit Sunday sermon
A video about a longer text. At my Academia account.In a way it is a video about the huge difference between Europe and the USA. To quote Randy Newman: Step out into the light You’re the best dream man has ever dreamed And may all your Christmases be white While I made the video I… Continue reading Not your average Whit Sunday sermon
Bible reading: the Apex of Misogyny
Deliberately no English versions of the Old Testament were consulted for the literal quotes. I know, and probably you do too, that the differences are of minor importance.
The seed of misogyny
Inescapably the next episode is about Jephthah, or better: about his daughter. P.S.: I deliberately did not check an American or other version to improve the subtitles. P.P.S.: You can see what my brother looked like before that injury in the video about the painting with Johan de Witt and HIS brother.
Book on so called monotheisms
The sixth button in the menu is clearly not a painting. It is just a coloured text: a concept for the front page of a yet to be published book. Title of that book is 49:49; Crucial element of the book is the explanation of the title. So, in itself an absolutely meaningless title, hence… Continue reading Book on so called monotheisms