Study History!

Five fold portrait of Winston Churchill by old dutch painter Frans Groenendijk

This video is only partly inspired by the publication of my book ’49:49′Available in the shop, but refers mostly to my older (E-)book IS, the Kurds and the Caliphate; Turkey: from sick occupant to paranoid neighbor. (Videos are published on social media like TikTok, YouTube. See LINKTREE in the footer). The text is mostly based on… Continue reading Study History!

Misogyny or Trump: NSFW …

It's worse than you think. Much worse

Or: Don’t mention sex slavery That shopping cart emoji in the menu is generated with a tool. Nice isn’t it? Since I subscribed to the platform of that tool anyway, I thought I could use it for other emojis as well. That was a bit disappointing. Or rather, it led to some shocking discoveries. I… Continue reading Misogyny or Trump: NSFW …

Lotus Flower & Chainsaw

Official title: “Welcome Back 45 !“ Next November 5 not only the future of the United States is at stake. If the people who in effect control Kamala Harris somehow manage to get her into the post of ‘leader’ of the free West, everything positive that the United States has brought to the world will… Continue reading Lotus Flower & Chainsaw

Polanyi: ‘Personal knowledge’ a.k.a. integrity

Michael Polanyi, author of 'Personal Knowledge'

About a month ago, in an article about cultivating bananas (!), I announced writing this extraordinary and comprehensive book review. The book I now review here was written by the most brilliant man you possibly never heard of: Michael Polanyi.The book is called “Personal Knowledge“. From ‘atheist-materialist’ Galileo Circle in Budapest … First, something about… Continue reading Polanyi: ‘Personal knowledge’ a.k.a. integrity

Erasing history and repairing the past


Or: The fathomless madness at western Universities The audio of this video features as Dutch podcast (Here at spotify). It is the first post in the new sub-category ‘Shadowbanning and censorship‘. Links promised in the video / podcast: Detail of my painting to commemorate the brothers De Witt, murdered by Dutch Orangists. See also the… Continue reading Erasing history and repairing the past

Painting Tributes

A podcast about paintings?

>> Podcast BELUISTEREN kan via deze link >> This is a slideshow associated with a podcast. And with English subtitles. It is referring to quite a number of blogposts and some podcasts I made before. Here are the links to those: More about my atheism. My ‘Rembrandt as St. Paul features as the home button… Continue reading Painting Tributes