Today marks exactly 22 years after the four (!) attacks in the United States. Retrospectives Twelve years ago, on September 11, I only quoted a piece I wrote in 2005 about conspiracy theories (In Dutch only).In 2011 I of course wrote (In Dutch too) about the attacks that were committed that year on 9/11, especially… Continue reading September 11: a special kind of retrospective
Old Dutch Painter’s Blog
When Narendra Modi got fed up
The Gujarat Riots in 2002 There is a good chance that a lie campaign against President Narendra Modi will soon erupt again worldwide. Very soon his 73nd birthday will be celebrated on a large scale and next year there will be elections for the Lok Sabha: the House of Commons of India. Most likely the… Continue reading When Narendra Modi got fed up
Harari, Skinner and Chomsky: utopians of sorts
Harari of the World Economic Forum When it comes to the political side of this weblog the category AAA, Against All Aristocracies is the most important one. That category contains several post about the World Economic Forum wherein a Mister Schwab and a Mister Harari feature as two of the most outspoken anti-democratic forces. In… Continue reading Harari, Skinner and Chomsky: utopians of sorts
Utrecht, 9 september: een onvermijdelijke confrontatie?
Ongewenste polarisatie? Het onderwerp transgenderisme leent zich voor ongewenste polarisatie.Het leent zich echter ook voor het scheppen van alleszins wenselijke duidelijkheid. Het hanteren van het bijzondere scheldwoord “TERF” (Google of DuckDuck aub zelf wat met dat als zoekterm) is een voorbeeld van ongewenste polarisatie. Een iets sterker voorbeeld is het gebruik van de term ‘transfobie’… Continue reading Utrecht, 9 september: een onvermijdelijke confrontatie?
Kinds of Zen in a roller coaster

>> August 21: added important update. See below. So glad I made this ride in Walibi [1] roller coaster ‘Goliath‘ but not sure if I will ever do it again. My eldest daughter, eldest granddaughter and eldest grandson had challenged me by asking how I would pose for the action photo that is taken of… Continue reading Kinds of Zen in a roller coaster
Mengele 2.0 and the Castro Consensus
Remember David Reimer I will begin my review of Miriam Grossman’s phenomenal ‘Lost in Trans Nation‘ – like that book itself – by recalling the horrific fate of David Reimer. Reimer was the most ‘outspoken’ victim of the terrible John Money, referred to here as Mengele 2.0.. When he was a seven-month-old baby, David –… Continue reading Mengele 2.0 and the Castro Consensus