Podcasts op de ODP-website *

De meeste inhoud op deze website is geschreven en gesproken in het Engels. Er bestaat wel een categorie Meanwhile in the Netherlands (over Nederland, voor mensen die geen Nederlands kennen) en daaronder zit dan weer een subcategorie ‘Nederlands‘: wel in het Nederlands dus.

Video Podcast

About Old Dutch Painters

Since my retirement I started painting myself. I got more interested in the successful Dutch painters from centuries ago. Like Rembrandt van Rijn. Much longer ago I got interested in politics. In this century this interest got strong new boosts from 9/11 and the murder of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn and an even stronger one from the murder of Theo van Gogh.
I am anti-nihilist, anti-communist and pro-civilization.
I am an old Dutch painter, hence: ODP.
I am a loving grandfather. That is why on Twitter and other platforms I also use the nickname Loving Granddad. My real name is Frans Groenendijk.

The blogposts on this website are placed in 20 (sub) categories: see footer. Some important ones are in the menu: see header. The very first serious post was this one, Women’s sport, liposuction and perverse priorities. It was based on a Dutch text I wrote in 2016. I foresaw problems, but not the speed and perversity of the developments in the past few years. Hence this for quite some time was my so called ‘pinned tweet’ and is now my first ‘highlighted’ X.

Nice to meet you

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