Ultimate horror & some hope regarding the transgenderist project

Screenshot from Reality's Last Stand
The Dutch subtitles do contain 5 or 6 typos …

A video in English, with subtitles in Dutch: I hope my pronunciation and the quality of the sound have improved sufficiently now …It is a rather long video. But it is not just me talking: It includes Dutch-subtitled ‘video-quotes’ from Kari Lake (future Governor of Arizona), Steven Crowder, Reality’s Last Stand and Lauren Chen.This video… Continue reading Ultimate horror & some hope regarding the transgenderist project

No civilization without Ladies & Gentlemen

UPDATE April 2023: I slightly expanded the text, did not change the video. A video to support the Distinghuised Gentleman’s Ride.Of course the video is not very short: it includes remarks about history. More specifically: about that ‘precursor’ of WWII, the civil war in Spain and the role of George Orwell therein. And I link… Continue reading No civilization without Ladies & Gentlemen

How to elicit disgust

About the famous pavement of the road to hell

A short video about transgenderism. A subject that seems to at last getting the attention it most certainly deserves. Partially thanks to Tulsi Gabbard, partially thanks to the new Twitter policy: canceling the very best female atlethes from their platform for openly not supporting that misogynist agenda. You can find more videos and texts on… Continue reading How to elicit disgust